Writing Scripts for Animation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Every great animation begins with a strong script. Learn the essentials of animation scriptwriting in our latest blog post, from formatting and narrative arcs to crafting compelling character dialogues. Discover how to transform your ideas into powerful visual stories.

a month ago   •   7 min read

By Gwénaëlle Dupré
Photo by Waldemar / Unsplash
Animation is about storytelling

Just like a novel engages readers with a narrative, an animation captivates viewers with dialogue and visual storytelling. And just like a novel needs a manuscript, an animation needs a script.

Whether it's a short animated series or a feature film, most animations start with a script.

It can be a surprise if you're just beginning to learn more about animation, but you need to write if you're going to work with other animators, producers, or consultants.

And because it's not always easy to know where to start, we walk you through the basics of writing a script for animation in this article.

Why a Script?

A script lays down ideas in a structured way. It's essential to convey your vision to potential investors, producers, and collaborators because pitching projects relies on the clarity and originality of your script to show its potential.

A script also acts as a single source of truth for animation projects: it guides the storyline and defines visual elements, character dynamics, and narrative flow.

From pre-production to the final cut, every team member uses the script with storyboards, animatics, and other design packages to work together.

Directors and supervisors use scripts to streamline workflows and coordinate team efforts. Concise actions and dialogue lines help animators, voice artists, directors, and editors understand their roles and do their job.


Before diving into storytelling, let's tackle an essential aspect of scriptwriting: formatting.

Proper script formatting creates an organized template that answers the crucial "5Ws"—each scene's who, what, where, when, and why.

This is typically done through four elements:

  • Scene heading - Also known as a slugline, it indicates the location and time of day. For example, "EXT. FOREST - DAY" sets the stage immediately.
  • Scene descriptions - The descriptions depict the scene's environment and notable actions. Brief but descriptive, they lay down visual and audible expectations.
  • Character names for dialogue - Scriptwriters name all the characters who will speak in a scene. Their unique vocabulary and tone help distinguish characters.
  • Dialogue - Dialogue is key for conveying emotions and driving the narrative. Well-crafted dialogue is concise yet loaded with meaning.
Sample of Howl’s Moving Castle script, Studio Ghibli

While these basic elements provide structure, how scriptwriters use them varies greatly: there is no unique way to write a screenplay, so you can add your own style to the script.

Hayao Miyazaki from Studio Ghibli doesn't write a script, per see. He just starts with storyboards and annotates dialogues in the margins for voice actors (available scripts are just transcripts).

Porco Rosso storyboard, published by Halcyon Realms

1. Narrative Arcs

A story needs a cohesive structure that viewers can easily follow, so writers come up with narrative arcs.

Traditional storytelling follows five arcs: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Novels are broken down into parts and chapters to help readers discern when an arc begins or ends.

In animation, shorter scripts are divided into acts: Act I ends after a problem occurs, Act II continues up until a climax, and Act III describes the resolution.

Source: ProWritingAid

The way you write your script is up to you, of course, but keep in mind the following elements while structuring your script:

  • Goal, audience, themes - At this stage, the writer thinks of the ultimate goal of the narrative, taking into account the target audience and weaving in underlying themes. You have things you want to tell, and you need to think about how you want to bring them forth for maximum emotional impact.
  • Storytelling archetypes - Broadly, narratives follow one of the traditional archetypes—tragic, comedic, hero's journey, rags-to-riches, voyage and return, etc. Understanding these archetypes helps determine how you can structure your story.
  • Breaking the rules - Understanding narrative techniques provides a good foundation for storytelling, but you also want to subvert your audience's expectations by avoiding clichés. For example, animators experiment with nonlinear storytelling (White Fox's Steins Gate includes complex time loops) or unique perspectives (Inside Out by Pixar personifies emotions).

In any case, the simplest way to go about constructing a story is to start with an outline highlighting the key narrative elements you want to include.

2. Character Description

Character descriptions are especially important in scriptwriting to drive the narrative, inspire character design, and plan out their development.

A character's personality is conveyed via dialogue and description, which in turn dictates their design: a villain has a mischievous smile, a hero exudes sympathy, etc. Every physical trait reveals something deeper.

Characters evolve, influenced by circumstances and challenges. Their personal growth—or lack thereof—guides plot progression and engage audiences. Descriptions are used to indicate changes.

Sometimes, it's better for scriptwriters to use character sheets instead of adding lengthy descriptions. They include detailed notes on every aspect of a character, from physical appearance and personality traits to backstory and personal goals, to help writers create consistent yet multi-dimensional and believable characters.

Character descriptions also help animators and voice actors bring characters to life, though much creativity is needed to get all the details right.

3. Scene Description

Like character descriptions, scene descriptions provide a visual framework from which animators can draw inspiration. They include three elements: layout, environment, and props.

When describing the layout of a scene, you must imagine how the space is occupied and perceived by viewers. Think of it as a camera angle that directs the audience's eye. Defining the layout helps animators decide how characters move and interact within the space.

The environment and background set the tone of a scene. It's not just about where the scene takes place but the emotions it triggers. Is the environment warm and inviting, with soft colors and gentle lighting, or dark and cold, with stark contrasts and deep shadows? Describe textures, colors, and lighting to tell a story.

Props are also powerful storytelling tools to reveal character traits, drive the plot, and improve your world-building. A seemingly mundane object, when used creatively, can take on significant meaning: the magic carpet in Disney’s Aladdin is not merely a mode of transport―it's a character. In your script, detail not only the appearance of props but also their relationship with the characters and their influence on the story.

Source: Disney

By combining each element, you give precious indications to animators.

4. Dialogues

Dialogues play a pivotal role in character design.

It's important to note that in animation, not every message needs to be communicated through dialogue. "Show, don't tell." Use your animation's visual power to tell the story whenever possible, using dialogue as merely a tool for pacing.

Think of scenes like WALL-E's silent moments, where expressions and actions convey depth without a single spoken word.

Source: Pixar

Like in any great writing, what's unsaid is often more powerful, so encourage viewers to read between the lines by writing dialogue rich with subtext, where characters say one thing but imply another, for example.

But dialogue and sound remain crucial components of animation to elevate the story, build the world, and bring out the distinct characteristics of each character.

Each line reflects a character's unique personality, background, and motivations, so write dialogues that feel authentic to their voice. Good dialogue needs to sound natural. A simple tip is to read your lines aloud or have others perform them. This exercise helps catch awkward phrasings or unintentional rhymes that could distract from the narrative. It's also the voice actor's role to work with and interpret the source material.

Animation thrives on rhythm, so animators avoid long-winded speeches that slow the action. Instead, they use snappy, impactful lines to keep the story moving.

Get Inspired

Every great writer stands on the shoulders of scripts that came before.

Online databases, script archives, and film schools are great starting points for accessing animated scripts of varying genres and complexities:

Developing the habit of reading and analyzing scripts is a way to get better at scriptwriting. You can, for example, annotate scripts and summarize key plot points, character arcs, and critical strains in dialogue that add depth to storytelling.

You also don't have to start writing scripts from scratch. Adapting existing works into animations is a great way to learn the ropes of scriptwriting. Adaptations require understanding but also deviating from original texts while staying true to core elements to respect pacing, budget, and feasible run time. Scripts provide a framework to navigate these challenges.

You don't need to worry about copyrights either: there is plenty of free material out there! For example, Gutenberg has tens of thousands of classic books in the public domain.

Source: Project Gutenberg


Scripting is not just a side note in animation: it's the very first step to transforming ideas into animations. A well-crafted script doesn't just tell a story—it builds worlds, designs characters, and weaves complex narratives.

Scriptwriters usually start with an outline to structure the main narrative acts, then process with scene headings, descriptions, and dialogues. Character designs are suggested via descriptions, character sheets, and accompanying storyboards or concept art.

If you're inspired and eager to create your own animation productions someday, scriptwriting is a valuable skill to add to your arsenal, so don't underestimate it! Behind-the-scenes documentaries, scriptwriting databases, and books like "Animation Writing And Development" are amazing starting points.

To learn more about the animation process consider joining our Discord community! We connect with over a thousand experts who share best practices and occasionally organize in-person events. We’d be happy to welcome you!

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