Build In Public: December 2023 Update

Welcome to our Quarter update about the CGWire company and Kitsu! In this post, you will learn everything we did during the past three months.

9 months ago   •   2 min read

By Frank Rousseau

Welcome to our new update about the CGWire company and Kitsu! In this post, you will learn everything we did during the past three months.


We worked on customer orders again. The first order was a page to manage the concepts of your production. Aside from that, we added a some features to help you with your reviews. Let's see what we cooked for you!

1. Concepts Page

Before your production, it's common to accumulate references that will help design your assets or your shots. That's why we added a page dedicated to it. You are now able to push any concept you want. Then, you can link them to assets and mark them as validated or rejected. It will help a lot to manage your brainstorming and will give references all along the way to your artists.

Thank you to the Blender Studio for sponsoring this feature!

  1. Playlist Timeline

You can now navigate through your playlist via a dedicated timeline. Thanks to the frame preview widget, you can easily find the shot you were looking for. Additionally, you can play playlist builds right from the UI, which allows you to check your transitions.

3. HDR Backgrounds For Your 3D Models

When you review a 3D model, it's common to check it in a dedicated environment. We integrated into Kitsu the capability to add a background to our model viewer. For that, you have to prepare a list of available backgrounds for your artists. Then, artists and supervisors can easily select a background to check their models.

  1. Project Homepage

This simple feature was expected for a while by many of you. It's now there! You can select the first page displayed when you open a production, whether it's shots or assets.

  1. Archive Main Elements

Last, but not least, it's now possible to archive configuration elements such as task types or task statuses. It will help to make your UIs less cluttered.


We had the opportunity to set up our first multi-instance infrastructure. Things ran smoothly, and the migration worked as expected. We are proud of this innovation. Feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in this kind of setup.


We were in RADI at Angoulême, France, and at the Blender Conference, Amsterdam. Both events were very busy. We had the opportunity to meet many French users and were glad to see the Blender ecosystem thriving. We enjoyed seeing that much activity in both places.


As usual, we updated our finance charts. You can check them via the dedicated URL below. The animation market is very calm, so we noticed a little slowdown in our sales, but most of our customers are still working, so we were able to keep things afloat.


We will run a series of customer interviews that we will publish on our website. If you are interested in participating, feel free to contact us!

Studios and productions
The animation and VFX market is almost on pause, but we were glad to welcome some newcomers! Find the list below:

ImagoVFX -
OVFX The Outlook Company -

To conclude

Thank you for reading! Feel free to ask any questions. Among the upcoming features, we will work on token authentication and adding a Kanban view for artists. Then, we will work on some additions for studios managing many projects simultaneously. Let us know if you have specific needs you would like to see addressed in Kitsu!

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