TNZPV Studio Sponsors new Features For Kitsu

Since the beginning of CGWire, most of the development we do is sponsored by CG studios. When a company wants to see some specific…

5 years ago   •   2 min read

By Frank Rousseau
Table of contents

Since the beginning of CGWire, most of the development we do is sponsored by CG studios. When a company wants to see some specific features in our software, they pay us to bring them on top of our roadmap. By doing this, they make the software progress faster in a way that suits to their workflow. It makes the project more sustainable and allows us to add only features that are really needed. This principle is part of the fundamentals of CGWire. That’s why, from now on, we would like to showcase the studios that help us in our mission!

Tu Nous Za Pas Vu studio, a team of 30 people in the south of France, ordered us several improvements for the second time. TNZPV is a studio led by former teachers of Supinfocom. In their portfolio you can see projects like Team Dronix, The World According To Amazon or White Fang. They use Blender as primary software and use Kitsu to manage the tracking their productions. That’s why they are very good at shipping qualitative TV shows on time ;).

So, today, we would like to share with you what you will see soon in Kitsu and what you can already see thanks to them!

1. Improved Breakdown Module

As you noticed the breakdown module of Kitsu got several enhancements including:

  • Display of shot castings for a whole sequence
  • Capability to add same assets to several shots at the same time
  • Labeling of assets (to tell if the asset is animated or fixed)
  • Capability to cast assets in assets (useful for the set dressing)
  • Export / import of the breakdown

2. Shot aggregation at sequence level

We will add more information at the sequence level. The sequence status and the sequence briefing will be an aggregation of the sequence shots.

3. Misc

Shot frames history
Now when you change frames of a shot the history of the changes is stored. This way you can keep track of the changes performed to define that shot.

Project deletion
Because the project is linked with too many things, it was not possible to delete it right from the UI. We changed that by adding a deletion modal for the project with a double confirmation.

List entities without thumbnails
We added a new filter to allow you to list quickly entities without thumbnails. It’s practical when you make sure that all entities have a thumbnail set on it.


To conclude, we would like to send a big thank you to TNZPV for funding these new features! Thanks to them, the breakdown module is very efficient and we had many useful additions. Last year, we had the opportunity to visit them in Arles and see how they work. We are proud to help them for their upcoming productions!

Who sponsored CGWire so far?

Unit Image, Les Fées Spéciales, Karlab, Cube Creative, NKI, Lee Film, and SolidAnim, already ordered features to make Kitsu a better software. In 2019, we are going to talk more about how they help us to progress. It’s important to us that you understand better the context we evolve in. Transparency matters to us, we’ll keep informing you about how we work.

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