Solidanim Sponsors Data Synchronisation Between Two Kitsu APIs

Since the beginning of CGWire, CG studios sponsored most of the development we do. When a company wants to see some specific features in our software, they pay us to bring them on top of our roadmap. By doing this, they make the software progress faster in a way that suits their workflow. It makes the project more sustainable and allows us to add only the features that are needed. This principle is part of the fundamentals of CGWire. That’s why, from now on, we showcase the studios that help us in our mission!

Solidanim and Kitsu

Solidanim is a French animation studio specialized in motion capture and animation. They worked on movies like Croc-Blanc or Rogue One. They were Shotgun users but this piece of software was not suited for their studio and provided average results for a high cost. For their next production, a long TV-series, they needed more efficient tools. That’s why they reached us out!

We are super glad to help them to build their next production. It will allow Solidanim to reach new ambitions. For CGWire, it’s time to work on a second TV series! Which will be the opportunity to make Kitsu more accurate for this use case. Stay tuned for new improvements!

Local installation synchronization

As you know, you can install Kitsu locally. For safe and efficient installation, we provide a dedicated support license. It’s already a great feature. But something was missing: installation synchronization.

It’s often the case that you have two different sites that require to communicate. Nevertheless, you still need the advantages of a local installation:

  • Capability to use it when the network is down or slow
  • Performance (especially when dealing with a lot of previews)
  • Compliance with US requirements about confidentiality

The counterpart is that it cannot be accessed from another site without losing all these benefits for the other studio site. That’s why, we decided with Solidanim to add a set of features to the current version of Kitsu. We are working on adding a bunch of new commands. You will be able to:

  • Replicate a full Kitsu instance
  • Apply events on both side by listening to the real-time feed of the Kitsu API server
  • Synchronize the most recent activities.

All of this will allow us to bring the advantage of a local installation for two different sites. It’s a great addition that will make Kitsu even more flexible. It will adapt better to your context.

Who sponsored CGWire so far?

Unit Image, Les Fées Spéciales, Karlab, TNZPV, NKI, Cube Creative, LeeFilm already ordered features to make Kitsu a better software. It’s important to us that you understand more about our partners and how we want to improve studio pipelines.

We dedicated this blog to CG Production Management and CG Pipeline. Additionally, We propose a Slack channel where you can discuss your problems/solutions and learn from others. We are already 270 to share tips and ideas. Join us, TDs and Production Managers from all over the world will be super happy to welcome you!