Say Welcome To Our Brand New Forum

A few months ago, we started a community of CG Pipeline Engineers. To achieve that, we invited people to discuss on a private Slack channel. We were pleasantly surprised by the result. It was a field of ideas, on top of that, there were many tips and knowledge on best practices that were shared. People from different studios were able to meet and discuss on these topics. However, at some point we faced two limitations: the content could not be indexed on a search engine and the Slack history is deleted on a regular basis.

Which is why we decided to open a public forum where people could talk about CG Pipeline and CG Production Management. This forum will be a good place for the community to share different topics and to keep track of most important subjects. Search engine indexation will also allow new people to find the forum and the community. Of course, a category is dedicated to CGWire software support. Such as Free and Open Source technology, we think it’s important for users to be able to help each other easily. Finally we will be posting feedback requests about our next upcoming features here in the forum.

The technology that is being used to manage the forum is called Discourse. It’s a proven software that provides a very nice user interface. We hope you’ll enjoy it! We are very excited to see what could come out of this. Don’t hesitate to participate and ask any questions you want, we’ll be glad to answer and help you! Join us on !