Nicolas Pennec joins CGWire as Senior Javascript Engineer

Behind every advanced software, there is a team. Kitsu started as a one-person project, but while the adoption increased, it required more care in every aspect, from hosting to support. It's where I decided to build a team, starting with my business partner, Gwénaëlle! Then, Nicolas Ledez and Evan Blaudy joined us to ensure we offer a solid backend for our customer projects.

Recently, the demand for features and related maintenance increased significantly. That's why it was time to hire someone full-time focused on improving the Kitsu user interfaces and making them rock solid. So, we published an announcement for this purpose. It immediately caught the interest of many people! Among them, a friend of Nicolas Ledez: Nicolas introduced us to a second Nicolas, Nicolas Pennec!

Both Nicolas met at conferences in the west of France. Especially because ten years ago, Nicolas Pennec started its own Javascript meetup named RennesJS. But how did Nicolas Pennec find interest in Javascript? Simply through his jobs! After using PHP and Java to build his web applications, he enjoyed being able to adapt the pages dynamically. When Angular went out, he was amazed by the concept of Single Page Applications and then he focused his career on these technologies.

For over 15 years, he worked on ambitious projects as a consultant or full-time employee. He had the opportunity to work on all aspects of software: development, frontend, backend, leads, and architecture!

Nicolas had helped many kinds of businesses, from small to big companies. As a consultant, he was able to deal with many different situations. And, when he worked at OVH, he learned to evolve in a very secure environment. Its recent activity at ScaleDynamics taught him the intensity of a startup. Wrap this up, and you understand that he can deal with any situation related to frontend development! While we were looking for someone with strong skills and the ability to adapt quickly to new situations, it made a perfect fit!

When we first discussed with Nicolas, he was excited by the Open Source dimension of Kitsu and the fact that we use Vue to make things run. Then, we showed him how by focusing on simplicity, we bring new capabilities to studios for their productions. He was definitely convinced, it was worth joining our journey!

Today, I'm glad to announce that Nicolas Pennec is part of our team. He already worked on numerous features and debugs on the Kitsu frontend. We can't wait to see what's coming next! Let's make Kitsu even more awesome!

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